Contractors License Guru Blog

Comparing Sole Proprietorships to Corporations

How to Get a California Contractors License Part 5

IN THIS SERIES OF POSTS, I’LL TELL YOU HOW TO GET A CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS LICENSE. HERE IS PART 5. Now lets discuss different titles or positions and business entities: 21) What is the difference between an RMO and RME? RMO or Responsible Managing Officer is the qualifier for the license and may or may not hold any […]

CSLB Work Experience Seminar Part 2

CSLB work experience seminar part 2 includes pictures from the meeting and the video taken by the CSLB. I’m in the front row wearing the blue shirt. I asked at one point if every critical classification applicant would be required to provide additional verification documents. Rick Villucci didn’t exactly answer the question. But I got […]

Long Term Forecast of the CSLB

What is the long term forecast of the CSLB? I’ve been hearing from many people that their license application is in a backlog that was self-created by the CSLB. With the implementation of their back room decision to require critical classification applicants to provide every scrap of paper they can find to prove their experience, […]

make a list

Contractors License Experience Outline

I wanted to take a few moments to discuss the importance of creating a properly formatted California Contractors License experience outline. For every trade, there are a few keywords the CSLB application technician is looking for. For the B classification, they want to see framing and at least two unrelated trades listed. What I see too […]

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